PilotBrick, the marketplace for old and sought-after Lego sets was founded in 2018. We would like to bring Lego collectors from all over the world closer together. Quick and easy.
We list great offers from professional sellers and private collectors around the world. On PilotBrick you will find rare and sought-after Lego sets in collectors quality. All sellers are verified by PilotBrick.
Present your Lego set offers to a variety of Lego enthusiasts - Every day Lego collectors around the world on PilotBrick are searching for missing sets in their collection. Sell your sets for free to verified buyers.
Each buyer & seller account is verified based on its email address and other features. In case of identified bootleg sets or other scam, we will deactivate the corresponding PilotBrick account. Please use the 'Report Item'-Button on the offer detail site to let us know when something is wrong with the offer. PilotBrick recommends to pay with paypal or other secured payment methods, if you buy a set or something else from an unknown seller. Please let us know if something went wrong with your purchased item.
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